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Leaderboard World Preview

A leaderboard which uses PlayerData to persist and display high scores.

Visit the Persistent Leaderboard Example World using the persistence-beta branch to try it for yourself!

Persistent worlds break if you create them on the VRChat website. Instead, create instances directly in VRChat.

Using the Example

  1. Open the Leaderboard scene.
  2. Then enter Play Mode
  3. Your name is on the leaderboard with a score of 0 score.
  4. Jump and your score increases.
  5. Exit and re-enter Play Mode.
  6. You are once again on the leaderboard, and your score was remembered from the previous session.

Importing the Example

Follow the steps below to add this example to your Unity project:

  1. Open the Example Central Window from the window from the Unity Editor Menu under "VRChat SDK > 🏠 Example Central"
  2. Find this prefab in the list or search for it by title (same as the title of this page).
  3. Press the "Import" button to import the Unitypackage into your project.

Technical Breakdown

There's a Leaderboard script where you can add any key you want players to be ordered by. Works with Float and Int.

Then there's also a LeaderboardSlot script which is a RectTransform. This is a PlayerObject which means one will be created for each player joining. When the object is created it's automatically added to Scroll View defined by the Leaderboard.

The Scroll View's content transform has a Vertical Layout Group which makes all children of it automatically sort by the order they are in the hierarchy. The Leaderboard script updates the position of the LeaderboardSlot in the hierarchy each time their persistent score changes.


  • 0.0.2: Script tweaks: Use VRCEnablePersistence components on player objects