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External URLs

Udon can use external URLs to load remote content. URLs must be wrapped in a VRCUrl object. Users can enter URLs into VRCUrlInputField components at runtime, and world creators can provide pre-defined VRCUrls with their uploaded worlds.


For security reasons, VRChat restricts how external URLs can be used. By default, a VRCUrl can only be accessed if it is on VRChat's domain allowlist. If a URL is not on the required allowlist for its type, it cannot be used unless the user chooses to "Allow Untrusted URLs" in VRChat's settings. This allows Udon to use load untrusted URL from VRCUrlInputField components and any VRCUrl that was uploaded alongside the world.

On allowlistNot on allowlist
User enters VRCUrl into input field✔Allowed⚠ Requires "Allow Untrusted URLs"
Udon declares the VRCUrl before runtime✔Allowed⚠ Requires "Allow Untrusted URLs"


class VRC.SDKBase.VRCUrl


VRCUrl(string url)Constructor that takes a URL as input. Note that this can only be called at editor time.


✔️VRCUrlEmptyAn empty URL.


stringGet()Retrieves the current string value of the URL.
✔️boolIsNullOrEmpty(VRCUrl vrcUrl)Indicates whether the specified VRCUrl is null or referencing an empty string ("").