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UdonSharp allows you to create Udon scripts in C#. UdonSharp is included in the VRChat worlds SDK and compiles your C# to Udon Assembly code.

  • Add helpful attributes to extend the functionality of your UdonSharp scripts.
  • Open the class exposure tree to see which C# classes and methods are available in UdonSharp.
  • Change your configuration to disable auto-compilation or change other settings.
  • Learn how to write custom editor scripts.
  • Learn how to migrate projects that use very old versions of UdonSharp.

How to create an UdonSharp script

You can create an UdonSharp script the project window or the hierarchy window by following the steps below.

In the Project window

  1. Right-click in your project's asset explorer.
  2. Navigate to "Create" > "U# script".
  3. Click "U# script". This will open a file creation dialog.
  4. Choose a name for your script and click "Save".
  5. This will create a .cs script file and an UdonSharp program asset that's set up for the script in the same directory.

In the Hierarchy window

  1. Create a new game object in your scene.
  2. Add an Udon Behaviour component to the object.
  3. Below the "New Program" button click the dropdown and select "Udon C# Program Asset".
  4. Now click the "New Program" button. This will create a new UdonSharp program asset for you.
  5. Click the "Create Script" button and choose a save destination and name for the script.

When you create a new UdonSharp script, you end up with two files:

  • An "UdonSharp Program Asset" file. (You don't need to edit this file after creating it.)
  • A .cs file. It has the class UdonSharpBehaviour and looks like this:
using UdonSharp;
using UnityEngine;
using VRC.SDKBase;
using VRC.Udon;

public class YourScriptName : UdonSharpBehaviour
void Start()


Edit the UdonSharpBehaviour in your editor of choice and start programming. You can add the UdonSharpBehaviour to any GameObject in your scene.

Supported C# Features

UdonSharp support most of C#'s basic syntax:

  • Flow control: if, else, while, for, do, foreach, switch, return, break, continue, ternary operator (condition ? true : false), ??
  • Implicit and explicit type conversions
  • Arrays and array indexers
  • All built-in arithmetic operators
  • Conditional short circuiting (true || CheckIfTrue()) will not execute CheckIfTrue()
  • typeof()
  • Extern methods with out or ref parameters, such as many variants of Physics.Raycast()
  • User defined methods with parameters and return values, supports out/ref, extension methods, and params
  • User defined properties
  • Static user methods
  • UdonSharpBehaviour inheritence, virtual methods, etc
  • Unity/Udon event callbacks with arguments. For instance, registering an OnPlayerJoined event with a VRCPlayerApi argument is valid.
  • String interpolation
  • Field initializers
  • Jagged arrays
  • Referencing other custom UdonSharpBehaviour classes, accessing fields, and calling methods on them
  • Recursive method calls are supported via the [RecursiveMethod] attribute

Differences from Unity/C# Features

UdonSharp is not conformant to any version of the C# language specification. Some C# features are not implemented or will not work.

  • For the best experience when creating UdonSharp scripts, make your scripts inherit from UdonSharpBehaviour instead of MonoBehaviour.
  • If you need to call GetComponent<UdonBehaviour>(), you will need to use (UdonBehaviour)GetComponent(typeof(UdonBehaviour)) since the generic get component is not exposed for UdonBehaviours yet. GetComponent<T>() works for other Unity component types though.
  • Udon currently only supports array [] collections. By extension, UdonSharp only supports arrays at the moment. List<T> is not supported yet.
  • Field initializers are evaluated at compile time. If you have any initialization logic that depends on other objects in the scene you should use Start.
  • Use the [UdonSynced] attribute on fields that you want to sync over the network for all players.
  • Numeric casts are checked for overflow due to UdonVM limitations.
  • The internal type of variables returned by .GetType() will not always match what you may expect since U# abstracts some types in order to make them work in Udon. For instance, any jagged array type will return a type of object[] instead of something like int[][] for a 2D int jagged array.

Example scripts

The rotating cube demo

This rotates the object that it's attached to by 90 degrees every second.

using UnityEngine;
using UdonSharp;

public class RotatingCubeBehaviour : UdonSharpBehaviour
private void Update()
transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 90f * Time.deltaTime);

Other examples

  • The VRChat Worlds SDK contains UdonSharp examples in Assets/UdonSharp/UtilityScripts.
    • These scripts can be safely deleted if they are not used.
  • For more example scripts, take a look at the GitHub wiki examples or the Examples folder included with U#.
  • Visit the VRChat Creator Hub to speak to other creators and see their examples.

Frequently asked questions

Does UdonSharp support all Udon features?

Yes. If Udon supports it, then so does UdonSharp. You can check the class exposure tree to see everything UdonSharp has access to.

Can I access the player camera?

No, Udon can not access the player's camera. You can, however, get the head position and rotation. For example, you can use VRCPlayerApi.GetTrackingData like this:

var headPosition = localPlayer.GetTrackingData(TrackingDataType.Head).position

Can I have more than one UdonSharp UdonBehavior on a GameObject?


I'm starting from scratch and need to use C# tutorials. What common aspects of C# don't work in UdonSharp?

If you are learning UdonSharp and not familiar with C# already, you may run across some commonly used techniques that don't work in Udon and UdonSharp yet. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Generic classes (Class<T>) and generic non-static methods,
  • Interfaces
  • Method overloads
  • Properties